Safety Week 2023

Safety Week 2023

For the second year running PREM Group Ireland celebrated European Week for Safety and Health at Work which this year was from 23rd to 27th October. The theme for this year’s Healthy Workplaces Campaign is ‘Safe and Healthy Work in the Digital Age 2023-2025’.

Following the success of last year’s PREM Group Safety Week, we wanted to celebrate the great efforts made by all our teams in ensuring we have safe places to work and put both an educational and fun focus on some Health and safety initiatives in our own workplace:

Everyone’s favourite Safety at Work TikTok competition returned and was enjoyed by all.  Well done to each and every one of our teams that submitted an entry, there definitely were some Oscar-winning performances!

Our judges took time to analyse all entries to the TikTok competition, they found it difficult to decide on who should be crowned the winners, however after re-watching all videos (a few times) they decided that the winner who provided an Educational, Engaging, Creative and Fun video and will be crowned the PREM Group Safety at Work TikTok Champions 2023 are…. Osprey Hotel! 

Congratulations and well done to the team in the Osprey Hotel 😊 Click HERE to view their video.

The judges felt that there should be some runner-up winners, for their outstanding performance and so they have been awarded in the following categories:

Best Supporting Cast Viking Hotel Waterford 

Best Production Cahernane House Hotel

Best Characters Hoban Hotel Kilkenny

Best Comedy Aspect Hotel Park West

Please click on the property name above to view their performance! Once again thanks to our teams for the submissions!

The educational aspect of Safety Week was covered by a workshop on Psychological Safety and Dignity at Work which was interactive and informative on how we could foster a culture that safeguards everyone’s right to respect and dignity at work and PREM Group’s culture of doing the right thing including maintaining a psychologically safe place to work free of inappropriate behaviour, discrimination, sexual harassment, treating everyone with respect and dignity and what team members can do if they see or experience a problem.

All week we profiled our property ‘Safety Superstars’ which gave us a really great insight into the hard work going on to keep us all safe in our workplaces – they each provided great tips and spoke about their responsibilities and the Health and Safety training they have done. Thank you once again to all who participated, you are inspirational, and thank you for all you do.  See the profiles below if you missed them.  Any team members who would like to take part in additional health & safety training courses in the future please email [email protected] to express your interest.

We also did a Safety Quiz and well done to our overall winner Sarah Griffen Fleming of the Viking Hotel, Waterford.

View more information on European Safety Week here.


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